Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) Training

Upcoming EMP Training

EMP Course Description

EMP course provides participants with an understanding of the key components of an Environmental Monitoring Program for pathogens testing to identify potential microbiological risks in production and open product areas; in addition to explaining different sampling methods and key elements of a corrective action procedure. This is particularly useful when implementing an environmental monitoring program (EMP) based on the GFSI benchmarking requirements. 

The FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food rule requires producers of Ready To Eat (RTE) foods to implement  an Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) to reduce contamination risks. Our course will show you how to meet FSMA requirements.

Per FDA’s 2017 Draft Guidance to industry, the goal of an EMP is to verify the effectiveness of your control programs, find any harborage sites and ensure that corrective actions have eliminated the pathogns and harborage sites when found in a plant.

EMP In RTE Foods-What Does FDA FSMA Say ?

  • “We propose to require environmental monitoring, for an environmental pathogen or for an appropriate indicator organism, if contamination of a ready-to-eat food with an environmental pathogen is a significant hazard, by collecting and testing environmental samples”. 
  • “Environmental monitoring would be a verification activity to ensure that sanitation controls are being implemented and are effective.” 
  • “For example, environmental monitoring would be required to verify effectiveness of sanitation controls when an RTE food is exposed to the environment prior to packaging and the packaged food does not receive a treatment or otherwise include a control measure…that would significantly minimize the pathogen…” 
  • “Foods such as peanut butter, soft cheeses, dried dairy products for use in RTE foods, and roasted nuts are among the products for which manufacturing operations would need to have an environmental monitoring program when such foods are exposed to the environment” 
  • Pathogen Environmental Monitoring is  “a Must Do Program” for RTE Foods! 

-Preventive Controls Rule (September 17th, 2015)


Who Should Register?

 This training course is particularly aimed at technical and quality personnel; auditors and consultants. 

EMP Course Agenda

8: 00 AM – 5:00 PM)


  • Understand the regulatory requirements
  • Identify the steps for a successful Environmental Monitoring Program for pathogen testing
  • Understand the required sanitation controls for a successful Environmental Monitoring Program
  • Learn how to implement, manage testing protocols, map the results and take appropriate corrective actions to eliminate environmental pathogens.
  • Learn about the pathogens of greatest concern including Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli O157